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Nirvana: Stay Away

Archivado en Nirvana. Publicado el 24 Feb 2009

Letra de la canci?n Stay Away de Nirvana

Monkey see, monkey do
(I don’t know why)
Rather be dead than cool
(I don’t know why)
every line ends in rhyme
(I don’t know why)
less is more, love is blind
(I don’t know why)

Stay Away x3

Give an inch, take a smile
(I don’t know why)
Fashion shits, fashion style
(I don’t know why)
Blow it out, keep it in
(I don’t know why)
have to have poison skin
(I don’t know why)

Stay away x3

I don’t why I x2

Stay away x3

Monkey see, monkey do
(I don’t know why)
Rather be dead than cool
(I don’t know why)
every line ends in rhyme
(I don’t know why)
less is more, love is blind
(I don’t know why)

Stay away x3

I don’t know why
I don’t know why

Stay away x3

Stay away x5
God is Gay

M?s letras de canciones de Nirvana

M?s canciones del disco Nevermind

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