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Nirvana: Mr. Moustache

Archivado en Nirvana. Publicado el 23 Feb 2009

Letra de la canci?n Mr. Moustache de Nirvana

Fill me in on your new vision
Wake me up with indecision
Help me trust your mighty wisdom
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud.

Show me how you question, questions
Lead the way to my temptation
Take my hand and give it cleaning
As I eat cow - I am not proud.

Easy in an easy chair
poop as hard as rock
I don’t like you anyway
– Seal it in a box

Now You
Damn You

Fill me in on your new vision
Wake me up with indecision
Help me trust your mighty wisdom
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud.

Show me how you question, question
Lead the way to my gestation
Take my hand and give it cleaning
Yes I eat cow - I am not proud.

Easy in an easy chair
poop as hard as rock
I don’t like you anyway
– Seal it in a box

Now You
Damn You(x2)

M?s letras de canciones de Nirvana

M?s canciones del disco Bleach

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