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Nirvana: Milk It

Archivado en Nirvana. Publicado el 27 Feb 2009

Letra de la canci?n Milk It de Nirvana

I am my own parasite
I don’t need a host to live
We feed off of each other
We can share our endorphins

Doll Steak!
Test Meat!

Look on the bright side, suicide
Lost eyesight I’m on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and and/or sleeping

I own my own pet virus
I get to pet and name her
Her milk is my shit
My shit is her milk

Test meat!
Doll steak!

Look on the bright side, suicide
Lost eyesight I’m on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and and/or sleeping

Doll Steak!
Test meat!

Look on the bright side, suicide
Lost eyesight I’m on your side
Angel left wing, right wing, broken wing
Lack of iron and and/or sleeping

Protector of the kennel
Ecto-plasma, Ecto-skeletal
Obituary birthday
Your scent is still here in my place of recovery!

M?s letras de canciones de Nirvana

M?s canciones del disco In Utero

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